Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR Research

CCR Research: Question #4

Question #4: How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

    My partner and I were like Tony Stark and Lain Iwakura the way we used soooooooooo much frickin' technology in our production. If you caught a glimpse of us out of your peripheral vision, your brain may have ended up falsely constructing an image of us hacking into the mainframe, or something. Wait, hold on. In order to proceed I need to pull up footage of my partner and I working on this project. Jarvis, pull up said footage.

My partner


Okay, let's be for real now.


Google Drive: Google Drive allowed my partner and I to share documents (via Google Docs) between each other. This was important in our planning and scriptwriting stages.

Canva: Canva is a versatile online graphic design website that allowed us to create the flier for the Christian community used in our film. Our production logo was also created using a free Canva template.


Adobe Premiere Pro: Okay, this is the obvious one. You saw it in my previous posts. Premiere Pro was our primary editing software for our film. The main cut, most of the sound, and the coloring was all done in Premiere Pro, my beloved.

Adobe PhotoShop Express: This is a mobile app I used to edit the family photos we created for the set of our film. It expedited the process as I have no clue how to use the desktop full version of PhotoShop. PS Express's streamlined and user friendly UI made the process actually fun and not aneurysm-inducing!

Adobe PhotoShop: Is Adobe controlling my brain? Maybe. I am about to use PhotoShop (yes, the program I just talked absolute trash about) to create the poem and title cards that will play at the beginning of our film. One day I will be able to harness the full power of PhotoShop. Until then, I will continue to hold my childish grudge against this godawful program.

GarageBand: This one I know a bit about from my music production experience (which is very little and largely self-taught). GarageBand was used to EQ and enhance the voiceover for the poem in the beginning of our film opening. My partner also used another DAW (digital audio workspace, GarageBand and FL Studio are examples of a DAW) to loop the intro of the song we wanted to use for the film.

Black Magic Camera: This is a camera app I installed on my iPhone that allowed me to alter the camera settings. This brought a level of customization and standardization I could not get with the default iPhone camera app.


Modular Tripedal Optical Stabilization Device with Built-In Pan/Tilt Functionalities (a.k.a. a Tripod): Yeah, we used a tripod for a lot of our filming.

iPhone: This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you are lacking a self for some odd reason, I can explain: I filmed on my iPhone. That's pretty much all there is to it.

"Sometimes I lose what little purpose I have in life, but then I remember that my purpose in life is to dramatize and blow everything out of proportion. This blog post should make this abundantly clear to you. I hope it does. Don't judge me too harshly though, even if my blog is an accurate representation of my character." - Jd

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CCR Research

CCR Research: Question #4 Question #4:  How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?     My partner...