Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR Research

 CCR Research: Question #3

Question #3: How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

    The project required a LOT of work. A lot of thinking, a lot of revision, a lot of learning new production and editing techniques, and a lot of making things work. The production skills I believe I improved on the most are scriptwriting, directing, and editing.

    My experience of writing our script reinforced my previous knowledge on the scriptwriting process, but also allowed me to develop my own style. I am somewhat into writing and literature and highly appreciate the use of imagery to paint a vivid picture in a reader's head. I focused on using imagery in my scene descriptions in our script due to the very limited dialogue. This, of course, led the script to be unusually long for the very short 2-minute runtime. However, this style works for me, helping me visualize the film before and during filming, and helping the actors understand their role. Building my style will aid in my future screenwriting endeavors as the process will feel more natural and I will be able to put more attention into writing a story rather than properly formatting the words.

    When filming, I did much of the directing, including directing the actors in their performance. This is a skill I previously believed myself to be poor at, but I quickly developed a knack for it. At first, it was hard to describe the specific performance I wanted out of our actors, but with time I learned to find the exact words to describe these emotions and deliveries.

    Last, many of my editing skills were reinforced. Most of my previous knowledge and experience sufficed in the editing of our film, but I did have to learn color correction and the basics of color grading. This can be seen here in one of my previous posts. This addition to my editing arsenal will be a great help in my future solo projects in which I will have to tackle color grading. This was something I had been meaning to learn for what feels like an eternity, and now I can rest easy knowing that I have at least learned the basics.

"I feel like a different person with all these new skills, yo." - Jd

Carmenrequnez. (n.d.) Buenísimo. Pinterest.

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CCR Research

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