Friday, February 14, 2025

Portfolio Project: Storyboard


    Although it would have been nice to start with a script, we decided beginning our visualization through a storyboard would be better for our project, as the tone and visuals are very important to opening. However, through making the storyboard, we were able to establish the main events and get a good idea of much of the main dialogue that would occur through the opening. The main character is mute, so it was important to capture the main character's feelings through extremely visceral visuals, like being slapped and having the picture of her mom burned. It was also important to convey key details to the plot visually, such as the family's past relationship with each other and the church, the mother's death, and their moving to another home. It will be with the script that we really hammer in the final details that will illustrate the father's relationship with his daughter.

    The intro poem that transitions into the title and title card is important to the story as it gives a hint at the perception that Belle eventually develops towards society. The poem will be read by Belle's actress with a voiceover while music swells, eventually crescendoing on the title card, but then changing to much calmer music in the intro credits with the shots of the pictures on the table.

Here is the poem:

They look upward,

   Upon own threads surrounding;

   The silver pathways reach

   seeking connection with light,

   Warmth slipping through

   reflecting off ornate alloy,

Without noticing their own reflection.

They lay in a pool of blood

that is not their own!

"I don't know what to say today." - Jd

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