Friday, February 21, 2025

Portfolio Project: Mise-en-scène

 Mise-en-scène: Props

    The set of They Lay in a Pool of Blood That Is Not Their Own! will require framed pictures of the family. This will require that we both take pictures of the family together separate from the main shoots and that we procure picture frames that will fit for the setting. Most of the other set pieces required are already in my grandparents' house (which is where we plan to shoot).

    I asked my mother if she had any picture frames suitable for the shooting, and surprisingly she still has a ton from her wedding that are not in use. Even better, they are all gold, which perfectly compliments the dark red wall they will be set against. HOWEVER... the picture frames are unfortunately too big for their intended purpose in the film AND they are stuck waaaayyyy deep in our storage unit. So, I decided it would be better to just purchase cheap picture frames that will get the job done.

    Mother suggested that I hit up Dollar Tree, and so I did, instantly finding exactly what I needed for the project.

    Since these picture frames are brand new, I may also artificially tarnish them to add a sense of character and history to them. This product called Rub 'n Buff seems an interesting and easy way to create this effect.

    The photos themselves will have to be taken in a shoot sometime soon. We have gathered two out of three required actors so far. As soon as we have Erica's actress, we can knock this step out and get the photos printed at Walgreens.

    Another important prop is the flyer that Christopher picks up in the beginning. My partner designed a flyer in Canva and it came out perfect. We were aiming for an 80's minimal design which would quickly get the point across that the family is moving to a Christian Community. Here is the flyer.

    The desolation felt in the flyer perfectly reflects the true nature of the community Belle will join.

    Two other important props are the rosary beads and the crucifix owned by Belle's mother, Erica. To keep in line with the colors on set, I would prefer that the rosary beads are either a dark red or a cream color, and the crucifix either brown or cream.

"Rub 'n Buff more like...... I don't know actually. Just ignore me at this point." - Jd

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